Team Benches

When you’re looking for quality seating for the whole team, our benches are the ideal solution. Durable and maintenance-free, CBS Constructors team bench units are available in a variety of lengths and sizes.
Aluminum Picnic Tables

There’s nothing like the clean look of CBS Constructors aluminum picnic tables. Our table frames are built to last—constructed with a sturdy 2 3/8” steel pipe, hot-dipped galvanized to withstand nature.
THE TRAVELER™ Series Bleaches

An extremely versatile mobile seating solution, the CBS Constructors Traveler™ Series offers highway-transportable units that can be ready for spectators in as little as fifteen minutes.
Hydraulic Bleachers Units

When you need a completely flexible seating system that you can easily modify and rearrange to fit the exact needs of your event, CBS Constructors Hydraulic Bleacher Units are the ideal solution.